Forging Antiquity

The website for the Australian Research Council Discovery Project: Forging Antiquity: Authenticity, forgery and fake papyri

Coming soon …

The Artefact Portal

The Artefact Portal is a project nested within our ARC DP Forging Antiquity which seeks to gather stories from the public about their own collections of antiquities and provide information about the nature of the antiquities market.

We want to hear your stories about how ancient items came into your collection and their importance to you. We’re especially interested in objects held by individuals and their families. We want to understand what antiquity means to you and how these objects have become part of your family and your life in modern Australia.

Members of the public will be invited to contact us and share their stories. Where possible, we will provide information about the history of similar objects and let you know a bit about how such objects have moved historically through the antiquities market.

The Artefact Portal wants to raise community awareness about the way objects are coming into the market at a time when political disruption and the displacement of people contribute to an increased movement of looted and forged materials. Understanding the past and present of the antiquities market will encourage the development of the best ethical practices in collaboration with the public and transform existing collections by providing richer, deeper, and more personal accounts of their own unique histories.